The 8-Figure Government Contracting Blog

The 8-Figure Government Contracting Blog will provide you with actionable and practical ideas needed to scale your government contracting business while avoiding common pitfalls. This blog is designed for current and future government contractors and anyone who wants to learn about or understand the latest U.S. Federal Government Contracting trends.

5 Essential Tips for Government Contracting Success

government contracting Jan 05, 2024

By Dr. Curtis A. Merriweather Jr.

The game's rules constantly evolve in the competitive government contracting arena. As we advance into 2024, the need for strategic positioning and actionable intelligence becomes paramount. With my 27 years of progressive experience and a Ph.D. in management, I offer you a treasure trove of insights designed to accelerate your government contracting journey.

Tip 1: Communicate and Uncover Value

Success in government contracting hinges on your ability to articulate the value of your services. Scrutinize federal solicitations in Section C to identify requirements, needs, and pain points. Leverage historical data from or, and don't shy away from filing a Freedom of Information Act request for previous acquisitions. Remember, your proposals should be marked proprietary to protect your competitive edge.

Actionable Strategy: Ensure every proposal page is marked as source selection information or proprietary. This safeguarding measure is essential for maintaining your competitive advantage.

Tip 2: Business is a Numbers Game

Filling your opportunity funnel is non-negotiable. Prime contractors should maintain a consistent bidding rhythm, while subcontractors should network with larger primes at industry days and trade events. Sole source opportunities, especially for 8(a) and HUBZone companies, require 'dialing for dollars' to stay on contracting officers' radars.

Actionable Strategy: Develop a robust bidding pipeline and recruitment engine. For service-based businesses, mastery in recruitment is as vital as sourcing for product-based ventures.

Tip 3: Relationships Drive Business

The fabric of government contracting is woven with relationships. Engage customers, smile and dial, and become adept at building rapport. Trust and likability are your currency; invest in them wisely. Whether you're a seasoned player or new to the field, relationship building is a skill that can and must be learned.

Actionable Strategy: Focus on building relationships with intent. Business development is relationship building to drive sales and revenue growth.

Tip 4: Emotionally Detach from Bids

The 'submit and forget it' philosophy is key. Detach emotionally after submission and continue to forge ahead. Whether you win or lose, always ask for a debrief to evolve into a learning organization. Let the past inform you but not hinder your progress.

Actionable Strategy: Embrace an objective approach to your business dealings. Stay data-driven and aligned with your key performance indicators.

Tip 5: Level Up and Go Big

It's time to play in the big leagues. Scale your operations according to your financial resources, infrastructure, and capacity. Begin with subcontracting, move to sole sourcing, advance to set asides, and aim for full and open competition. Each step is a building block towards the goal—successful exit strategies.

Actionable Strategy: Scale your business appropriately. If you're ready, aim for larger deals and don't overlook the power of subcontracting as a steppingstone to bigger opportunities.

Conclusion: Your Blueprint for Government Contracting Mastery

As we navigate the intricacies of government contracting in 2024, these five tips are your blueprint for success. But knowledge alone isn't enough — action is the key. To truly excel, you need comprehensive guidance and support.

That's where the 8-Figure Government Contracting 5X Program comes in. This program is not just about learning—it's about transforming your government contracting endeavors into a thriving, profitable business.

Take the Next Step:

Don't let another opportunity pass by. Tap into the knowledge and experience available through the 8-Figure Government Contracting 5X Bundle Program. Learn how to do government contracting correctly and place yourself firmly on the path to success. The time to act is now—your future in government contracting awaits. To learn more, consider enrolling in the 8-Figure Government Contracting Course:


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